Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cullan's 1st Birthday

Cullan had his 1st birthday the day before Erika's baby shower, so we weren't able to get to MI for his party.  Aunt Amy did take some pics of his special day though.  Here he is in all his GLORY.  Gina told me he started walking about a week after his birthday, so I can't wait to see him chasing after big brother.

My 1st Birthday cake & I LOVE IT!!

Cullan & Big Brother Brennan

BIG brother Jaden

More pics of Cullan & his cake......

Cullan & Brennan at the hotel waiting for Erika's baby shower.

More pics from the shower

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kamdyn's Baby Shower

I decided to have Erika's baby shower in February & was so worried that we would end up getting snow.  Of course, we got alot of snow friday before the shower.  Amy & Gina got stuck half way here & had to stay the night in a hotel.  My car was snowed in the garage & thanks to cousin Kenny we finally we're able to get out at noon.  Needless to say, I was a nervous wreck trying to get Erika & the cake plus meet everyone at 1 to decorate.  Well, it all came together at the last minute & had quite a turnout.  Erika was so worried that morning & in tears, imagine that a pregnant woman crying, that no one would show up. 

Thank you Gma Julie, Great Aunt Gina & Amy, Vanessa & Aunt Jami for all the help with the baby shower.  And thank you to all of you that braved the winter storm & came out to the shower for Erika.

Kamdyn will make the 5th generation for Great Great Gma Schrader this year, can't wait until he gets here so we can get a pic for gma.

Great Aunt Amy, Erika, Aunt Jami, Nina, Great-Great Gma Schrader, Great Gma Julie & Great Aunt Gina
Great Aunt Gina, Mady, Cullan & Brennan

Great Great Gma Schrader & Great Gma JulieBaby food eating contest.  Aunt Bree, Aunt Stacy, Gt Gt Gma, Gt Gma, Nina & Gma Sandy