Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas cards

I had a little photo shoot with Kamdyn to make our Christmas cards this year and he wasn't to happy at first. Aunt Jami even brought Harley into help us get him into it, don't tell Will.  After many pics I got the one I used, here are the ones we didn't use.

Merry Christmas and God Bless!!

"No more, Gma!!"

Getting ready for Kamdyn's first Christmas

 Santa aka Great Great Uncle Jim had time in his busy schedule to make a stop at the house so I could get some pics of him and Kamdyn.  Kams been teething so he was more interested in chewing on his hand than visiting.

Erika and Kamdyn came over and put up the tree for
me, Kam had fun watching mommy do all the work.  He's actually been realy good and not getting into anything on it.

Kam, mommy and Aunt Jami

Raspberries for us!!

Santa and pizza at Westside where Erika works, Kam had fun with the first birthday party he attended and then Santa came to visit.

Santa, Alyvia, Kamdyn and Kiana

Kamdyn wearing the Elfs hat

Long day for the little guy, he fell asleep on Great gma's lap.