Monday, May 30, 2011

Hot summer day and ice cream

Kam and Erika came over last night and after playing for awhile we decided to go get some ice cream.  What a mess for Kamdyn and he's at the stage where he wants to do it all by himself so he had a melt down when Erika tried to help him out. cream

And the meltdown begins...

Happy again!!

Kamdyn and Mommy

I just can't get enough of these two together.....ENJOY!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Golf Outing 2011

It's that time of the year again, the 4th Mindy S. Lauf Memorial Outing has been scheduled for July 30th at Hidden Creek at 1pm.  We're having a cookout on June 4th to get all the fliers and tickets out to the family.  Cookout at 630pm, we'll have the hamburgers and hotdogs bring a side dish and enjoy an evening with the family.  Bring the kids!!!  Hope to see everyone!!

Blessing of the Bikes 2011

It started out cold and rainy but its was a great turn out for the bike blessing this year.  Uncle John, Aunt Kay and Uncle Jim and Aunt Rene didn't make it over because the rain hit them before it got to Lima.  It sprinkled off and on all morning but we hung in there.  By the time we were blessed we gave up on the ride and went to lunch.

This bike was awesome, loved the paint job.

Another great one.

Scott and Peggy

Our bike blessed

Will, Elvis and Scott.  He's alive and in Lima!

Kyle's new bike

Ben Kehres

No rain!!

We haven't had alot of days without rain this month but when we do Kam wants to be outside playing.

Helping Bumpa clean the Harley before the Blessing.

Kamdyn and Kiana having fun on his toys.

What do you have Uncle John?

Mommy and Kam taking his Buzz Light Year 4 wheeler for a spin.

Checking out Scotts bike

Time to come in!

I LOVE this pic, let me out!!!