Saturday, April 24, 2010

First week of seperation

Erika and Kamdyn survived their first week of seperation while mommy went back to work.  Kamdyn has been staying with me this week & we had some challenges cause he wanted held the first day.  Gma won the battle eventually but it was tough.  All in all he's a good baby & content taking it all in, he likes to be up where he can see everything.

Bumpa Will had to spend time with him also, going over the draft picks for Thursday.  He's positive he can turn Kamdyn into a Browns and MI fan yet.  Not if gma has anything to say about it...GO BUCKS!!!

Friday night we had some excitement with him, Kamdyn decided to roll over from his tummy to back.  Erika sent me a video on Saturday morning saying he's been rolling over all morning.  She already has her mind set that he will be potty trained before he turns one.  I told her to call Stacy since thats what she did with her two.

Fighting sleep

Kamdyn enjoying some sun in front of our patio door

I'm a big boy & can hold up my head & roll over

Mommy just gave me a bath & I want to see everything

Kam has more hair

Bumpa and Kam talking over the NFL draft...Kam was listening to everything Bumpa had to say

1 comment:

  1. haha....well 1's a little ambitious. But we did start our kids when they were nine or ten months old. Get them familiar w/ what the potty is for, and they'll show interest when they are ready. Evan was trained by two and two months, and Ella was about a week after her 2nd birthday.

    Good Luck!!
